Food, Glorious Food

^^ That is what I do under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough goes to the 24 hour Tesco.
8 hours, 18 minutes until my exam.
It's not looking so good, is it? 8 hours 18 minutes to learn personality theory to 2:1 standard is wishful thinking. I hate all night cramming sessions. Pro Plus makes me fidgety and I eat constantly until I feel sick. There's a dartboard in this room and I keep getting up and aggressively throwing darts to break the tension and my arm is starting to hurt. Also I'm scared I break the darts because they keep slamming into the brick wall instead of hitting the bullseye. I'm not sitting on a proper chair and I can tell I'm going to have pains in my back tomorrow. Cramming all night makes me feel stupid and it makes me wish I'd been more sensible with my study plan (ha!) and it makes me vow that 'next time I won't be so unprepared!'. I've been saying that since my Standard Grades, 7 years and about 340 exams ago. The thing is, I'm not even that stressed out right now. I can tell because I haven't gone on an online shopping spree yet. I've had about 20 parcels from Play arrive in the last week thanks to my retail therapy needs.
I wish I had more crispy cakes. Four just aren't going to last me long enough (and I've already eaten two of them).
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