18 January 2006

Everybody Needs

How fucking good has Neighbours just got!? Oh my god, the drama! A bomb, a plane crash, death, love, DISASTER. It's fantastic. Connor, Serena, Sky, Dylan, Izzy, Paul, Elle, Susan, Alex, Lil and David are currently floating around desperately in the sea after a bomb exploded under their plane, causing it to plummet to earth.

Confession: I cried when Serena, David and Lil said their LAST goodbyes. (I know it's their last goodbyes because I couldn't wait to know what happens and joined a Neighbours fan forum (post count so far:1) yesterday :embarrassed smiley: - they're obsessive very helpful with the spoilers over there). I adored, yes ADORED, the heartfelt declarations of love going on between everyone in the cabin, Izzy's hysterically apologetic phone call to Karl, and Jannelle's freaky vision of Dylan making a sandwich in the kitchen JUST AT THE EXACT MOMENT HE THINKS HE'S GOING TO DIE AND IS REALISING HE LOVES HER. And then when they were in the 'sea' (which looked suspiciously like a dark swimming pool with a lot of smoke and a wave machine) and it was all 'ALEEEEEEEEX!' and 'SKYYYYYYYYY!' but no one replied. Then Connor and Serena re-enacting Titanic with 'Co-o-o-n-ner I'm s-s-s-s-ooo co-o-ol-d'. 'I promise I'll never let go, Serena'.... T'was fantastic. Oh - and how lovely was it of the bomber to provide a large digital display counting down the hours until the explosion? If only real life bombers are so considerate to onlookers. And it was great how Serena got her ticket about 12 minutes before leaving but no problem, she just reached into her wardrobe and pulled out the 40s outfit she made earlier. I loved also how even though they were making one of their biggest EVER episodes, they were still reluctant to use up too much of the budget, so one minute they were in the air the next they were in the water. No planes were destroyed in the making of this programme.

There's so much good stuff to come on Neighbours. Connor and Dylan FAKE THEIR OWN DEATHS. Such a genius idea (from the script writers, not Connor and Dylan). Harold goes a big craaaaazy and attempts to murder Paul. Harold! An attempted murder!?!?!? If my grandpa was still alive he would've been horrified at that news. But no wonder. First Kerry, then Madge, now HIS ENTIRE FAMILY. Especially since it was him freely handing out tickets of DEATH that led to them being on the plane in the first place. And who is the bomber? My money's on Elle. She seems a bit fucking mental to me, what with her obsession with her dad and drugging Izzy. She could hardly be described as stable, but how the hell would she know how to put together a bomb? I know you can find out anything online these days (apparently) but where would she keep it until it was needed? Where would she make it? I'm sure Paul would've noticed if she was up in her room experimenting with explosives. Maybe she has friends in the wrong places though. We don't know very much about her. I can't wait to find out for sure but even the Neighbours forum people don't know yet so looks like I'll be waiting a while.

Keep up the fantastic work, Neighbours!


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