29 January 2006


I want to move to London some time during the summer. My sister also has this idea about going to Chicago for a few months in June so I would like to go and visit her if she goes. I've never been to Chicago. But then if I was in America anyway, I'd want to go and visit L in Boston or LA or wherever she is these days. LA is a bit far though, so hopefully she'd be in Boston, or come to Boston. And then if I was in Boston, I'd want to go to New York. Yeah. New York, Boston and Chicago. Then come home and move to London. That would be a good summer, I think. I'm scared I'll be depressed this summer because compared to the last two summers it can't really be anything other than shit. At least I'll have that freedom feeling after graduation. Graduation. Fuck I can't believe I'll be graduating in just a few months. Well, 6 months. Maybe that will help things feel a bit less awful. You know, take my mind off the debt and the lack of travelling it causes.


Blogger Tarun said...

Hey Great page good posts.
Take care :-)

6:26 pm  

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