This is the story of an easily distracted girl with high hopes and good intentions.
22 May 2006
It's a bit scary to have literally fuck all to do with the rest of my life. I need to get a job. Urgently. Fly to la US of A in like 5 weeks and I couldn't even pay for 1 night in a hostel at the moment. I need a job. And a new credit card.
I got a taxi down to the vet because I wanted to see my cat one last time before they put him down. I hadn't been expecting to have to do that and I was trying not to cry in the taxi but not really succeeding.
"Do you work at the vet?" asked the driver.
"What are you going down for then?"
*sniff* "I just need to see the vet"
"I take my dogs there"
" do work there?"
"Well why are you going down to the vet?"
*voice shaky* "I just need to see the vet"
"Oh, right" *pause* "Aye but do you work there?"
*another pause* "Because I was going to say, my dog, he's a year old now"
One of my favourite things to do is lie in bed curled under the blankets and listen to the rain. I'm warm and comfortable but outside it's hellish. There's a thunder storm right now. The rain is literally pouring from the sky. I'm in bed with the blinds open so I can see the lightning and the TV is down low so I can hear the rain and the thunder. I love it.
Can't breathe can't breathe can't breathe exam in 2 hours can't breathe can't breathe. Oh fuck. I'm really so badly deeply in the shit with this one. Whhhhhy do I do it every time? It's not funny this time. I remember a month ago I planned to start studying. To get organised. Fast forward a whole month and I've done fuck all. Now it's the day OF MY FIRST EXAM and I could not be less prepared. And it's not like it's just any exam, is it? No. It's my first fucking final. I am so dead. It's at times like this that throwing myself under a speeding car seems like the easy way out. Oh Lord. I'm getting a third. A third at best. Noooo! I can't handle this. I've already eaten a bag of Quavers and a Milky Way this morning because of the pressure. Great. 2 hours. In 2 hours I will be in that fucking exam hall. Ugh. Pens, papers, desks, silence. Shi-i-i-i-it. I'm going to get a third and it's going to be all my own fault.
It's the only thing that separates us from animals, our ability to accessorise - Pete Burns
The man who tires of London tires of life. For there is in London all that life can afford - Samuel Johnson
If you're bored in New York, it's your own fault - Myrna Loy
I shop therefore I am - Barbara Kruger
Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today - James Dean
We’re all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars - Oscar Wilde
To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable - Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray