20 April 2006

Take a picture, it'll last longer

People keep staring at me. Seriously, I think I understand partly how people with proper disfigurements must feel. Yesterday my lip was even fatter than it was the first day. It just grew overnight. I had to go out even though I really didn't want to, and people just stared. On the train, in the street, at uni. They'd look then look away then look then look away again. I wasn't even just imagining it, they were definitely staring. OK I did look hideous but for fucks sake. There's no need to be rude, people. Today it got so much better but apparently was still stare-worthy. I did a quick Primark stock up and when I dumped all my stuff on the counter and said 'Hi' cheerily to the woman, she looked concerned and replied, 'What happened to your face, hen?'.

Today I also got a contraceptive injection thingy. It was a very stressful event but at least there's less danger of any more face smashingly painful cramps. I hate injections and the whole idea of them make me feel faint. This one worried me more than most because I spent all last night reading all of the internet horror stories and there definitely are a few potential scary side effects. Oh god I feel faint again just thinking about all of this. Ugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should get a contraceptive implant - i've had mine for 2 and a half years...... during which i've had about 3 periods and from a scientific point of view it is better for your body because it is very slow release. Added value for not haveing to go back to the clinic all the time - and i lost a stone after coming off a pill of the same stuff :-) .....
Hope your face feels better soon,

11:59 pm  

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