13 February 2006

I'm Back

OK. Now that the whole dissertation situation is ancient history, it is time to Take Control Of My Life.

Currently, that centres around the Swim Plan. Three days a week, minimum, but aiming for four. Obviously avoiding weekends and any time there might be children in the pool :shudder:. It's going well so far but considering this is Day One it's maybe too early to congratulate myself. Tomorrow I'm going to get a discount card, and I will keep this up. Definitely. As long as I work out what time to visit to avoid the unofficial OAP hour and find something to mask the smell of chlorine, as evidently Original Source shower gel isn't up to the job...

It's definitely a good thing I have a new keep fit regime since today also marked my return to the world of work. I've applied for a few (OK, one) call centre jobs so I don't have a proper job yet, but my legs are aching from mystery shopping (and possibly from the swimming) all afternoon. And sadly mystery shopping means eating burgers. I had two burgers for lunch, and then a burger for an afternoon snack. To ensure a balanced diet, I followed them up with a pizza for dinner. I only pretend to eat the burgers, but still, I do have to take a couple of bits of each, and then there's a few chips and the Coke... Yuck. And I did eat 2 slices of the pizza. So the swimming is definitely an essential lifestyle change. Hopefully I also burned some calories by wandering around town between jobs. I had a few non-fast food mystery shops today too so it wasn't all fatness. I made £51 in total. Woopee.


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