06 March 2006

Alcohol may affect your ability to make sensible decisions

Last night, after 1 and a third bottles of wine (740 calories. Shite), enthusiastic agreement to the question 'Does everyone want doubles?', lots of dancing, laughing, singing, and jumping (yay - exercise!), much admiring of the beautifulness of Dirty Pretty Things, a whole series of events of which I can only remember sketchy, blurry details, an argument with a wanker of a taxi driver (I still don't know what his problem was...I was sick OUTSIDE the taxi, not all over his seats or anything. And I would've given him directions as soon as I woke up), and a little bit of crying, I believe I accepted a lift home from a stranger (I say 'believe' because, as I said, details are sketchy).

Luckily he turned out just to be a nice guy and not a murderer, but I'm honestly scared of my own stupidity. I practically gave him an invitation to rape me. An extremely drunk girl stumbling along a deserted, unlit street on her own... Jesus. I hate when I can't remember what's happened to me because usually no matter how drunk I am, I still remember (although that can be both a good thing and a bad thing...). Last night is mostly one big fucking blank.

I went to uni this morning with my hair matted and sticky from beer, with a bag full of mascara stained scented windscreen wipes which I'm assuming were provided by the helpful stranger. Niiiice. It took strength I didn't think I had to lift my head off the pillow but I had a meeting I had to go to. It turned out to be a waste of time and could all have been done via email which pissed me off, so I went shopping to make myself feel better. It worked.


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